This is a picture of one of the mice that we caught in our house we were staying in at Cheptebo. Linda saw the first one the evening she got sick. She was laying on the bed and saw it run under the dresser. Tracy would not let us kill it because she thought it was too cute. We caught it and released it outside. Baxter took this picture of the second one we caught. It is under the dresser. The next morning the kids went outside and saw three on them beside the house. They feed them some old bread.

The water at Cheptebo was not safe to drink. We had to filter it or boil it. Here is a picture of the bath tub with water in it before the kids had a bath. Even though the water does not look good, it is a blessing that the people in the area have water to use. Many people from around the area came to the project to get water.

This is Immanuel. He is the son of Joseph and Sallay, our hosts for the time we were in Cheptebo. As you can see, they keep thier children very warm.

Here is a picture from the day we were leavingto return to Kijabe. We are with Joseph, Salley and their family. They only have one child of their own, but it is very common for neices, nephews and cousins to live with you.

During our stay in Cheptebo a children's Bible camp was going on. We spoke to the kids one day. This is a picture of the class room. There were around 100 kids at the camp. All the girls stayed in a house beside the one we were in. They went to sleep around 11:00PM and were up at 5:00AM washing their clothers outside our house.

The kids at the camp loved to talk and just look at us. We were some of the first white people that some of the kids have ever had the opportunity to interact with. Here is Linda playing a rope game that the kids showed her. Baxter and Luke played soccer with the boys. Tracy and Emily did the rope game and played volleyball with them.

The kids at the camp were very excited to play with the kids. Here is Tracy playing a rope game with the girls. Tracy is ready to bring a rope home and teach the kids in Lorena the game.

The girls with Tracy were part of the extended family of our hosts.

This is a shamba (garden) we saw while driving back to Kijabe.

Here is Luke on his birthday. He was trying to act like he felt good, but he was very weak from being sick.

The project were we stayed was a working agriculture project. Each day at 7:30 AM and 3:30 PM the cows were milked outside our house. Emily and Tracy helped milk the cows. Linda made chai with the fresh milk. This is Emily helping milk the cow.

Tracy helping milk the cow.

This was on the way to the Engagement party. This was a termite mound. We parked our car here and walked another 2 miles or so to get to the party.

This is the kitchen where some of the food for the engagement party was prepared. The rest of the food was prepared outside over open fires and the goat was roasted over an open fire.

Here is the Bride to be and her wedding party. Sally is the one closest to the camera in the pink and white dress. This was after the dowry was settled and before the service.

This is the living room that was set up for the Bride to be and her friends to sit in during the service. They made it from poles and blankets. While we were waiting for the Bride to come from the house, the furniture was brought from the house and included everything from the living room at the house even the coffee table!

Here is the Choo (toilet) at the engagement party. There were several families that lived in the compound and all shared the toilet area which included 3 stalls. The girls refer to this type of Choo as a long drop. (Tucker, I thought you would enjoy this picture!)