Monday, June 30, 2008

June 30th Update from Philip

It is Monday June 30. We have started to get adjusted to the time difference. Tracy still has her watch set on Texas time and lets us know what time it really is. We will be traveling to Machakos tomorrow to start our Africa Based Orientation class at Scott Bible College.
Here are a few pictures of our trip and the first few days.

Eating breakfast in London. The extra two people are also with AIM. They will be teachers at Rift Valley Academy, the school the kids will be going to.

Here I am loading bags on top of a car at the Nairobi airport.

Sunday morning getting ready to walk to church. We went to the Good Sheppard Church about a 20 minute walk from the Mayfield Guest house (the House behind us). The RVA choir performed at the church. It was a very meaningful service. The Christians here are very excited about their faith and are not afraid to express it.

Baxter found a stick and some old potatoes to play baseball with. The potatoes soon were mashed. We made a baseball with duct tape. Some of the local kids soon joined in. It is so amazing how kids can relate to other kids so easily.

Just a little update. You are all in our prayers.


Jane said...

I love the pictures! Especially the baseball one! Where is Linda, haven't seen one of her yet? :) Glad to hear things are going well. Love you, even in Africa, Aunt Jane :)

Tim said...

I am still waiting on that call from Baxter. Glad to hear that all is well. Got a little axious not hearing if you made it ok. All is well in Lorena. Got the hot tub bubbling,dogs fed, gate electrified,pond filled fish fed, cat fed, grass cut,deer feeder ready, and on and on. Miss you Linda and Tim

Jared_Robin said...

Great to see you all made it in one piece!!

Hope you guys have a great time. Oh, and Robin said to tell T & E not to forget her monkey!!

Also, in the comments above - makes you did my dad get the Hot tub bubbling?? <-- scary huh?

Love, jared and robin

Unk Jim said...

Pete, and Jared; I think some -Natural gas might have been involved. Glad that everyone is ok. Tell kids hello for us. Love ya, Unk Jim

Mary Lou said...

I love reading your blogs and the pictures are awesome. What a wonderful adventure you and your family are on. With God's grace you all will touch so many lives. Please keep us posted. I love sitting down in the evenings reading about everything you all have done each day. Love, Mary Lou

Linda K said...

Can't wait for you to be able to update more often! It's great to actually see your smiling faces. Hope everything is going well for you. Philip & Linda, make sure we get to see both of you in the pictures too! Baxter & Luke...I will have some clothes ready for you to wash & watch when you get home!! Tracy & Emily...I love your African clothes! If you have a bad hair day, you can just tie that head scarf on & go!
Love & Miss you all bunches!!
Linda K.