Here are a few pictures from around Stonetown on the island of Zanzibar.

This is the church we went to on the 23rd of December for Christmas Caroling.

This is a chamber where many slaves were kept during the slave trading days of Zanzibar. It was very small and hot.

This is a huge stingray. It took us awhile before we could even figure out what it was. I've never seen something like this!

Another view of the stingray

The entrance to the fish market. You learn really quickly how to breathe through your mouth!

If you want a loaf of fresh bread this is where you get it!

Zanzibar is also called the Spice Island. There were spices everywhere for purchase. The spices from Zanzibar are so flavorful that a smaller amount is needed in recipes. We learned this the hard way when I made chili and used the amount of chili powder called for in the recipe. It was so hot we could hardly eat it.

Colorful kikoys/kangas (wraps) and scarfs were plentiful!

These are the streets in Stonetown. It was easy to get turned around and go down the same street several times before you found where you were going.

This was our favorite place to eat. It was an Italian Ice Cream parlor that served good lunches and suppers as well. I think we ate there about 6 times.

Zanzibar is famous for it's doors. The doors used to be a symbol of the wealth of the owner of the house. We were amazed at the size and detail of the doors.

We had been walking for a long time when we found this nice Indian restaurant. It was so nice to find a somewhat cool place to sit down. The girl in the blue shirt is Julie a friend of ours from ABO, her mother is in the maroon shirt and Ryan Dahlman is in the corner by Tracy.

You can buy frest octopus and squid at the fish market. Again, mouth breathing is in order here.

This is a place called Forodoni. It is an outside eating area. There are lots of tables in this alley way and you just walk around, find something good to eat and dig in. It was really good and much cheaper than eating at a restaurant.

Forodoni again

Forodoni - Emily holding a huge banana! They made amazing banana/chocolate pizza.

Another look at the food at Forodoni


A fish waiting to be processed at the fish market

Boat building - They actually make the boats right here. This is the type of boat that we took to the island.

Another fish on the way to the market

The market from across the street

This is where we got a great cup of coffee one morning. The blue bucket on the left is where they wash to cups between customers. They just dip it in and fill it up for the next customer!

Another look at the streets of Zanzibar
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