Today we had ministry assignments. We found out about our assignments on Friday so we had time to prepare. The people in our group were Jason and Roxanne Engstrom and baby Annika, Andrea from Germany and our family. We were doing Children’s Ministry on the Scott Campus so we decided that we would do a skit of the Good Samaritan and sing the dip-dip song (you would have to be here to know that song but we will show you when we get back!). Children’s Ministry began at 7:30 am. We sang to song and the kids loved it. We then did the skit. Luke was the poor man walking, Baxter and Andrea were the robbers, Roxanne was the Priest, Philip was the Levite, Tracy was the Good Samaritan, Jason was the donkey, Emily was the Innkeeper and Linda was the narrator. Baby Annika just got passed around. The kids loved the play especially when Luke was left lying on the floor with no shoes or jacket on. A side note here: Emily was very upset that she wasn’t the Good Samaritan. She finally agreed to be the innkeeper if she could keep the coins that the Good Samaritan gave her to help care for the injured person. We let her do that as it was only 2 shillings (about 3 cents).
We then got to go to the Sunday School classes that the kids would have been in. You will be glad to know that the innkeeper (Emily) gladly put her 2 shillings in the offering hat without any prompting from me.
The next week we went to the Mumbuni Boys School. It is a High School for boys. There are around 1,000 boys in this school. They all board at the school. All of the boarding schools have a Church service on Sundays. Students from the College go to the schools on Sundays to help with the service. Linda meet a student named David while she was hand washing our laundry on day. David helps with this school. He was giving the message the day we went. After the service we were treated to butter bread and chi (hot tea with milk and sugar) which was prepared by the boys in the school.

Looks like a load of propane cylinders about to fall off that van. Still waiting for a call from Baxter but he is having too much fun. Tell Linda good side-saddle. Be careful driving, you know you went to A&M so it might be a little difficult. Looks like Luke, Tracy, And Emily are in fine shape.Keep in contact. We miss you and will keep praying for you.Love Tim and Linda
Luke---- have you found a snake for a pet yet?????? Love Unk Jim
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