When we
had a break from class we were able to go into the town of
Machakos. The town is very busy. It has one major grocery store and several small shops. There are many tailors in the town. Linda had a couple of skirts made for her. She needed some that were longer. they turned out very nice.

The people are very friendly here. Everyone on the street will great you and many want to stop and talk. Here we are with some friends that we meet walking to the open air produce market. Shortly after this picture was taken a man came and picked up Emily. We were not sure what he was going to do with her, but we asked that she be put down. Our new friends also helped. It was a little
unsettling at the time. It is sometimes hard to tell if they are just being very friendly or have other intentions.

Here is the open air produce market. There were many ladies selling all types of locally grown products. We purchased all the ingredients to make guacamole. Linda made it and it was Great. We shared it with the class that evening.

One of our assignments was to go visit a local family. This is the family that we visited. We went to there home to visit. We
had a wonderful time.
While we were there two uncles, two aunts, and several cousins came by also. The value that they place on the family is so strong. Here is the family that we visited. The father is the one in purple, his wife is to his right.

This is the oldest daughter and her younger sister. The father was in the construction business. He made his own bricks out of the local soil on a small piece of land near the house. They also grew coffee beans and
vegetables. Any open spot they have they plant maize (we call it corn). He also had several chickens, goats, one cow with a calf. He milked the cow for milk also. They work so hard, yet seem to be very content and happy. It has been so enlightening to get to meet these families and learn more about their culture. God's creation is so amazing.
Great to see your updates...sounds like God is already working on and through you. All of you are in our prayers daily.
James gets back from Peru to Dallas today. He'll be home on Fri. If you have broadband, you can see pictures from his trip at www.awestar.org/peruupdates
Take care.
just FYI I laughed so hard about the part when Emily got picked up . . . I never heard that story . . .
haven't seen you in a while! don't be strangers! :)
Hello Janders, I love reading your updates on how things are going. I keep you all in my prayers daily! It is amazing and awesome what yall are doing! I was upset because were unable to attend the going away at church for yall because we were out of town. I wish yall well and will continue to pray for yall! God Bless,
Kristi Wollard
So great to learn through the updates how God is using each of you to further His kingdom. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Laura, John & Austin Green
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